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Has a teacher or community leader ever impacted your life throught the way that they serve others?

Monday, April 19, 2010

“The concept of African American female literacies as I explore it here refers to ways of knowing and acting and the development of skills, vernacular or expressive arts and crafts that help females to advance and protect themselves and their loved ones in society” (Richardson 681). Obtaining different literacies are very important when it comes to success in our society! To think that just by knowing , developing and acting on a particular literacy, anyone can make a difference. Not only will the difference be made when it comes to themselves, but also when it comes to their families and future generations that will one day be inspired by this sharing of knowledge. For this reason it is important that all women and men take education seriously because you never know what difference you can make in the life of someone just by being educated. Back in slavery times many women would steal books from the ‘master’s” house, read them, and then share them with those in the slave community. Not only did this promote knowledge, but it promoted unity in this particular community. This unity birthed many plans for escape and freedom! Education, sharing and unity play key roles in making a difference in any society and everyone should take advantage of any literacy could possibly cross your path. Many also say that knowledge is power! Just think if each and every woman knew who they were and was proud of who they are what a difference it would make in a society that in many cases views us in a very derogatory manner. “Young black females often struggle to invent themselves against the distorted images….”(Richardson 676). This can be related to education, not only should we consider the difference that can be made through education or the acquiring of literacies, but we should also see the difference that can be made by holding our self to a standard! With this standard there would never be distorted images of any woman because the only image that would be seen is that of a strong, intelligent, caring and giving African American women! Remember Anthony Robbins once said that, “Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards!”

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