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Has a teacher or community leader ever impacted your life throught the way that they serve others?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Willful Servants

“The servant of the people is down among them, living as they live, doing what they do and enjoying what they enjoy…such beliefs are the very elements that distinguish true teaching as an art of service (Dowdy 51). This particular quote as a resounding affect on any and everybody who reads it. I have found that the greatest leaders, Pastors, Doctors, Lawyers and yes, teachers are those who look past the title that was afforded to them and stand in the gap to inspire those who follow them. Through this belief not only do those who follow these inspirational individuals change, but they also become inspired to one day be leaders themselves. Maybe not in the realm of leadership that the one that once inspired them occupied, but a leader in what they were called to do rather that be a missionary, mailman, counselor, dance instructor. These individuals take in so much by watching these “servants” that they decided to serve themselves and the theme of “Teaching to touch a life forever” becomes “Leading to touch a life forever!” Even today in my life, those teachers and leaders who were and are passionate about what they are doing in their lives always inspire me to do my very best and in school always cause me to like a subject such as U.S. History way more than I did before I entered their classroom. It is our job as the current generation to prepare to inspire and leave lasting impacts on those in the next generation and by being a willful servant we will accomplish just that.

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