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Has a teacher or community leader ever impacted your life throught the way that they serve others?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Building on a Firm Foundation"

“African American women were inspired in a context of resistance, as Stewart implores, to show forth to the world that ye are endowed with noble and exalted faculties” ( Going Against the Grain Pg 110). Wow! What a firm foundation that has been set before us! The aim of these African American women, through acquiring different forms of literacy was to gain the knowledge that they knew would help them in their future endeavors. Despite there conditions, they rose above and decided to claim what was rightfully there’s, and that is an education. Today, in my generation, I feel that instead of my peers taking that sturdy foundation and building on it, and taking this world by storm to change it, I feel as though we have stayed in the same mindset of inferiority and degradation causing a drop in our graduation rates and a rise in things not pertaining to the advancement of our society. I feel as though if every individual desired on the level that our ancestors did to become educated and to show our society that we are great contributors, I feel that this mindset would benefit all as a whole. During this time many, “… the acquisition of literacy by African American women is very much a story of struggle, resistance, and resiliency” (Going Against the Grain pg 114). With this being said, it is important to note that the acquiring of literacy today compared to the struggle and hardship of acquiring literacy back then can not compare. This generation had been allotted far more opportunities to advance themselves in such ways so that now we can become not only strong women who take care of the household duties, which is an awesome job by it self, but we also can be executives and CEO’s of huge companies, Doctors, Lawyers, inspiring teachers and dynamic writers! We are capable of so much as a people, and I feel that it is time for us to take our place, walk in who God created us to be, and plan to change the world!


  1. Brittney L. Echols

    I agreed with your blog. If educatation started in the household and was then transpired in the world, our generation would be much better as a whole. People only know what they are taught, so it is our responsibility as a race to help uplift ourselves, no one else is going to take responsibilty and do this job for us. We have to want to do better and more for ourselves in order to be better than our current situation. We as a whole have to want to acheive.

  2. I agree with the pioint of view given in this blog. A lot of our generation doesn't take education and literacy seriously, but I feel like those of us who do take it seriously should pass on our perspective to people we know who do not see education the way we do. This way we can all join together for a common goal of changing our world and make our society better.

    -Jasmine Nicole Robinson-

  3. My outlook on this lack of literacy is that our society does not take education seriously. Though we have the means to succeed and become literate, we do not take advantage of our resources. Our society lacks the drive to succeed. Our ancestors wanted to be literate but did not really have the means to be; now, our society has the means but lacks the drive to succeed and become literate. It is important to give back and show the community that you can succeed and be literate.
    - Daria Clegg

  4. I completely agree with our post. I feel as if education is seen as secondary to getting money , but our generation fails to see that to get money you need an education. The temporary pay off wont be as everlasting as a fruitful career.

  5. I do agree with the opinions that are expressed in this blog. Not only does our generation not value the privileges and benefits of education but society as a whole does not put education on a pedestal. We are now in a time where technology and newer resources allows us to have access to an education of quality versus a more standardized and basic form of education that our ancestors received. In today's society we do not take advantage of our resources that are given to us and that is due to the lack of drive. The lack of drive can come from a variety of sources if those of a higher authority such as parents and our elders do not possess the drive to succeed than our society will experience the trickle down effect of the lack of drive and thus we will live in a mediocre society versus a society of excellence.

    -Kori A. Coleman

  6. I liked the whole building blocks concept and how you interpreted this reading. Literacy does start and needs to continue in the household. If it's not exposed by our family, how else are we supposed to achieve great things. Not everything can be left up to the teachers, because in most situations, they didn't manage to expose us to most of the things we're learning now.

  7. I agree with your statements. Most of the black teens today want to stay in the mindset that learning isn't "cool" and they focus on other things that. And i few girls in the in class discussion said some things about "making it big", and we see all the celebrities who didn't go to college some don't even have a high school diploma so young people see that and think since "well the famous person was not educated and made it, then I don't have to be educated and I"ll still make", which is the wrong mindset to become achievers.
    -Candice Frazier

  8. After reading this I can completely relate to your frustration. As black women we have always been the back bone of our communities, which means we have always been a sort of mother figure, taking watch over our people. It is healthy to want more for Us. I think you hit the nail on the head when you talked about the inferiority complex that many AA students and adults have today! Since you made a choice to change the world by attending Spelman, continue to be a shimmering light for others to follow.
    -Danielle Winfrey
