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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Literacy and Black Women Reflection

I was familiar with most of the information presented in Literacy and the Black Woman. Though I found it somewhat negative, it gave me a new perspective on some of the issues facing black women. Let me start by saying it saddened me to learn that the majority of women who were unable to read and considered illiterate were of African descent. I was surprised that illiteracy was still an issue among the black community. In the article it pointed out that Illiteracy is hard to eradicate when children have no one to read to them or expose them to literature.
Through this article I found that this is one of the reasons why illiteracy continues for generations. Not a lack of ability but by a lack of exposure. While reading the article I couldn’t hold back the feeling of helplessness. The only thing I could think was how I wanted to help these illiterate people but I’m not sure exactly how. I also feel upset because I am in school striving for higher education and there many who don’t even know how to read a children’s book.
Another interesting fact that I gained from reading the first chapter was that many women live too far away or don’t have enough money to go to school. The United States contrasts this because most schools are placed near neighborhoods so families can have easy access to them. In addition public schools are free and open to every child.
Although there are many roadblocks for illiterate black women I feel there is a glimmer of hope. I think some type of global intervention should be implemented to help increase the literacy rates. Literacy is an important skill that everyone should have but there are so many simple things preventing that from happening. I believe that the world would be more productive if everyone was literate.


  1. I really agree with this. The negativity in the passage left me with a sense of hopelessness. It almost felt as if Black women work so hard to achieve so little. Also the low level of literacy amongst Black women affect their children greatly because they cannot perform in uplifting activities with their own children such as reading a book together or having an intellectual conversation.

    Vernee Pelage

  2. I feel that the author wants the reader to feel a sense of saddness. Inorder to make a change you must have a passion for the cause.And by you feeling this you wanted to help in some way. So that why we should take the emotion and drive from this writing and reach out.-Shaniqua Burton
